
DEMONSTRATION Wednesday 21 March 2018 at 12:30h Isar building

SUEPO Munich calls for a demonstration on the first day of the upcoming meeting of the Administrative Council on Wednesday 21 March at 12:30h in front of the Isar building. The aim of the demonstration is to appeal to the Council not to accept proposed changes in the working conditions that will hamper the ability of the Office to recruit the highly qualified staff it needs.


Bavarian Parliament to discuss motion from the "Freie Wähler" in next session held on 13 March 2018, at 12.30h

In its next session on 13 March 2018, starting at 12.30h, the EU Committee of the Bavarian Parliament will discuss a motion from the "Freie Wähler" that calls upon the German government to use its influence at national and European level to ensure the independence of the EPO Boards of Appeal.

Read more, here. (link to motion)

Your SUEPO Munich committee

link to motion (previous announcement on our website):


[USF] Letter from USF President to ALL 38 Delegations of the EPO Administrative Council, to Mr Campinos and to the EU Commission

Letter from USF President to ALL 38 EPO Delegations

  • The original USF letter .pdf version in English is available here.

  • The original USF letter .pdf version in French is available here.


See News Ticker USF Website


Shocking events around social policy and rule of law issues at the EPO

[extract from the USF LETTER to ALL 38 EPO DELEGATIONS]

USF is the largest Federation of unions in the European international public service and has been following with great concern the situation at the European Patent Office (EPO) which deserves to be labelled as extreme. A number of shocking events around social policy and rule of law issues at the EPO were reported upon in various media over the last few years. These reports also reveal fundamental flaws in the institutional setup of the EPO taken in combination with its assigned jurisdiction, the ILOAT.



February 2018 press articles

This document provides a non-exhaustive list of some articles, blog posts or videos published in February 2018 (sorted in reverse chronological order, not necessarily by relevance). Latest additions are highlighted in yellow:


[Cohausz-Florack.de] Interview: ,Der moderne Rechtsstaat wird zur Farce" and Press Article: "EPÜ, EPG und das Grundgesetz"

An article and a lecture by Prof. Dr. Siegfried Broß, former judge at the German Federal Constitutional Court of Karlsruhe.

Both documents incidentally also deal with the employment situation of staff members of international organisations.

Interview German „Der moderne Rechtsstaat wird zur Farce"
Interview English “The modern constitutional state becomes a farce"
Press article German    "EPÜ, EPG und das Grundgesetz"
Press article English            "European Patent Convention, Unified Patent Court and the German Basic Law"
Press article French translation (version .pdf) La Convention sur le brevet européen (CBE), la juridiction unifiée du brevet et la loi fondamentale (Grundgesetz) allemande


[Bayerischer Landtag] Unabhängigkeit der Beschwerdekammern im Europäischen Patentamt sicherstellen

Bayerischer Landtag Veröffentlichung vom 06 Februar 2018.

Unabhängigkeit der Beschwerdekammern im Europäischen Patentamt sicherstellen
Translations are available in English and French.


January 2018 press articles

This document provides a non-exhaustive list of some articles, blog posts or videos published in December 2017 (sorted in reverse chronological order, not necessarily by relevance). Latest additions are highlighted in yellow:


[Council of Europe] Final report on: Jurisdictional immunity of international organisations and rights of their staff

English version
Final report on : Jurisdictional immunity of international organisations and rights of their staff
Read in particular page 3 bullets 4 to 9 (and ff)
Version française

Conseil de l'Europe - Rapport final: Immunité de juridiction des organisations internationales et droits des personnels
Lire en particulier page 3 paragraphes 4 à 9 (et suivants)

For more information, view the video of the debate at the Council of Europe here.

ex18003cpe (pdf) published 25/01/2018

December 2017 press articles

This document provides a non-exhaustive list of some articles, blog posts or videos published in December 2017 (sorted in reverse chronological order, not necessarily by relevance). Latest additions are highlighted in yellow:


[CERN] Letter of support sent on 13 December 2017 to SUEPO Munich

Letter of support sent on 13 December 2017 by Mr. Ghislain Roy, President of CERN Staff Association and by Mr. Joël Lahaye, External Relations to the Staff Union of the European Patent Office in


ex17089cp (pdf) published 19/12/2017
ex17089cp (pdf) published 19/12/2017