IPSO expresses support for colleagues at the European Patent Office, with Heardquarter in Munich
ECB Union - IPSO - issues a support message to SUEPO and EPO staff.
IPSO is a staff union, founded by staff of the European Central Bank (ECB) to represent the professional interests of persons working for the ECB and other international institutions and agencies in Germany.
The Administrative Council of the EPO will meet on Wednesday 14 and Thursday 15 December in Munich. Topics of discussion are likely to include the controversial removal of the EPO Boards of Appeal to Haar and the Office's reaction to Judgment No. 3785 of the Administrative Tribunal of the International Labour Organisation.
SUEPO Munich organises a demonstration on Wednesday 14 December in front of the Isar building, starting at 12h30.
Our claims remain:
This document provides a non-exhaustive list of some articles, blog posts or videos published in November 2016 (sorted in reverse chronological order, not necessarily by relevance). Latest additions are highlighted in yellow:
“Staatssecretaris Van Dam pleit voor verdere hervorming octrooibureau” (NU.nl, 30 November 2016).
Translations are available in English and French.
“Van Dam: hervormingen octrooibureau doorzetten” (Noordhollands Dagblad, 30 November 2016).
Translations are available in English and French.
“Ma question au gouvernement sur la situation sociale à l’Office européen des brevets” (Philip Cordery, 30 November 2016). Translations are available in English and German.
“Van Dam: sociale situatie Europees Octrooibureau moet beter” (NOS - NPO, 30 November 2016). Translations are available in English, German and French.
“Dégradation du climat social au sein de l’Office européen des brevets” (Richard Yung - PS -, 28 November 2016). Translations are available in English and German.
“A loose screw at the European Patent Office!” (CERN, 28 November 2016). Translation is available in French.
“Der Streit eskaliert und 38 Länder schauen zu” (Tageblatt.lu, 25 November 2016).
“Prunier responds to EPO claims” (WIPR, 25 November 2016).
“EPO staff hold demo for dismissed workers” (WIPR, 24 November 2016).
“Honderden werknemers Europees Octrooibureau in actie tegen 'tirannie' directeur” (Omroep West, 24 November 2016). Translations are available in English and French.
“Europäescht Patentamt: Muss Lëtzebuerg seng Positioun iwwerdenken?” (LSAP, 23 November 2016). Translations are available in English and French.
“Werknemers Europees Octrooibureau voeren actie tegen 'tirannie' directeur” (Omroep West, 23 November 2016). Translations are available in English, German and French.
“Euro Patent office staff call again for King Battistelli regicide” (The Register, 23 November 2016).
“Fallout from Euro Patent Office meltdown reaches Dutch parliament” (The Register, 22 November 2016).
“Debate in Dutch Parliament about deteriorating social climate at European Patent Office” (Kluwer Patent Blog, 19 November 2016).
“Zorgen over ’terreur’ Octrooibureau”(De Telegraaf, 18 November 2016).
“Time for a Haar-cut - please do not relocate the Boards of Appeal of the European Patent Office” (IPKat, 18 November 2016).
“Remember the House Ban? How two years flies past” (IPKat, 17 November 2016).
“Sacked EPO staff union official responds to Battistelli's IAM letter” (IAM Blog, 17 November 2016).
“Billet d’humeur : le président de l’OEB a de nouveau frappé!” (Blog Claudine Lepage, 8 November 2016). Translations are available in English and German.
“Europäisches Patentamt feuert weiteren Gewerkschaftler” (Heise.de Online, 8 November 2016). Translations are available in English and French.
“Firings will continue until morale improves - Merpel revisits the EPO” (IPKAT, 7 November 2016). Translation is available in French.
“EPO users and staff need the Administrative Council to get a grip on current events” (IAM, 7 November 2016).
“Union Calls “Flash Demo” After EPO Fires Another Union Representative” (IP-Watch, 7 November 2016).
“The Rule of Law (Rechtsstaat) is Endangered and Needs to be Defended!” (Kluwer Patent Blog, 7 November 2016), especially section 4 of the article dealing with the EPO.
“Fresh Euro Patent Office drama: King Battistelli fires union boss” - EPO president ignores his own admin council (The Register, 4 November 2016). Translation is available in French.
A letter dated 28 November 2016 from the European Public Service Union (EPSU) to all Members of the Council of the European Patent Office.
The USF published on 23 November 2016 an article entitled "DISMISSAL OF UNION OFFICIALS AT THE EUROPEAN PATENT OFFICE"
On 4 November Mr Battistelli, President of the European Patent Office, dismissed Laurent Prunier, elected member of the Central Staff Committee and Secretary of SUEPO The Hague, against the will of the Administrative Council as expressed in its March 2016 Resolution. In 2016, Mr Battistelli dismissed three elected Staff representatives and SUEPO officials and downgraded another one, a first in the world of International Organisations. Other investigations/disciplinary proceedings concerning SUEPO officials are ongoing.
On 24 November we will demonstrate our solidarity to Laurent and other dismissed / downgraded / targeted Staff Reps and SUEPO officials. We will gather at the "Plein 1813" at 12:00 and march to the "Lange Vijverberg", in front of the Office of the Dutch Prime Minister.
This document provides a non-exhaustive list of some articles, blog posts or videos published in October 2016 (sorted in reverse chronological order, not necessarily by relevance). Latest additions are highlighted in yellow:
On 11 October Mr Battistelli will hold his much publicised (yet another “first in the history of the Office”) Social Conference where he will be trumpeting his achievements just before the meeting of the Administrative Council on 12/13 October. Meanwhile, the attacks against SUEPO officials are continuing in The Hague with three investigations/disciplinary proceedings. SUEPO organises a demonstration on Tuesday 11 October in Munich in front of the EPO Isar building starting at 12.30h, and on Thursday 13 October in The Hague.
This document provides a non-exhaustive list of some articles, blog posts or videos published in July 2016 (sorted in reverse chronological order, not necessarily by relevance). Latest additions are highlighted in yellow. You may also want to access the list of articles for July 2016: