
Heise Online, "Memo Shock: European Patent Office suspected of giving priority to major clients like Microsoft"

Heise Online (archive) comments on the project titled "Closer contacts with major applicants" designedto "foster a better esprit de service, not least to ensure that [the EPO] do not lose workload market share to other major offices" and so that "[i]tcan be explored as to what the EPO can do for them and vice versa".

Canon, Philips, Microsoft, Qualcomm, BASF, Bayer, Samsung, Huawei, Siemens, Ericsson and Fujitsu are the companies which are part of the project. Most of them are not European.

Translations in English andFrenchare available by scrolling through the document.


IPKat Blog, "EPO AC says no to Battistelli & yes to the rule of law"

IPKat comments on the Communiqué of the European Patent Organisation after the 145th meeting of the Administrative Council:

"The Administrative Council of the European Patent Office (EPO) has rejected the proposal from the President, Benoit Battistelli, (reported here) which would have seen them bypass the Enlarged Board and proceed directly to dismissal of a Board of Appeal member, contrary to Article 23 EPC. Instead, the matter has been formally referred to the Enlarged Board with a request that it make a proposal for dismissal." The decision was also commented by WIPR.

"Merpel initially thought she detected, in the section dealing with the "social situation" a recognition by the AC that the unrest and low morale in the Office need to be dealt with, in spite of repeated denials from Mr Battistelli.However, launching a social study "in close co-operation with the President" deprives that study of any credibility. A report which is vetted, contributed to, and possibly edited by the President will be a whitewash."

The comments note that the Communiqué is silent on the ongoing investigation of staff representatives, and especially the accusations against Elizabeth Hardon, Chair of SUEPO Munich and the Local Staff Committee.


FOSS Patents, "European Patent Office intentionally treats patent applicants and staff unfairly: leaked documents"

FOSS Patents comments on "an internal document of the European Patent Office that stands as incontrovertible evidence of the EPO's institutionalized unfairness" [...] "Companies filing large numbers of patent applications receive preferential treatment including highly questionable package deals". Florian Mueller also publishes the letter of the legal counsel of SUEPO Munich Chair, Elizabeth Hardon, to the chairman of the Administrative Council of the European Patent Organization, confirming the repressive actions against union leaders.


World Intellectual Property Review, "EPO labelled 'totalitarian state' as controversy and demo hit"

WIPR reports that Mr Battistelli has "urged the Administrative Council (AC) to dismiss a member of the Enlarged Board of Appeal (EBA) despite that body not recommending such action. [...] [Although the] EBA [had] called for 'a clear limitation on the executive power' of the EPO.

In addition to that, "Elizabeth Hardon, vice-chair of SUEPO has asked AC chair Jesper Kongstad to allow an independent body to assess her claim that she has been on the receiving end of institutional harassment by EPO management." "She demanded a 'misconduct investigation into the institutional harassment against [her] and other EPO staff representatives... and that the EPO be instructed immediately to cease and desist from such illegal and irregular misconduct".


IPKat Blog, "When harassment gains a new meaning: EPO takes hard line on Hardon"

IPKat reports on the investigation of staff representatives culminating with the interrogation of Elizabeth Hardon, SUEPO Munich Chair, as accused: "Ordinary EPO employees who are not members of the Boards of Appeals [...] can be disciplined and dismissed at the whim of the President and those who wield power in his name. The internal disciplinary appeal process is only advisory: an employee can obtain a favourable decision on appeal, only for this to be disregarded by the President. The employee's only recourse is then to the International Labour Organisation's Appeal Tribunal (ILO-AT), which has such a backlog that cases take years to be heard."


IPKat Blog, "Ignore the Enlarged Board, EPO President tells Administrative Council"

IPKat reports that the Administrative Council (AC) delegates have received an extraordinary communication from Mr Battistelli. In it, he asks the AC to disregard a key provision of the European Patent Convention (EPC), and to bypass the Enlarged Board of Appeal (EBA) which he accuses of not properly carrying out its duty in a disciplinary case against a Board member. Mr Battistelli even recommends to go beyond the recommendation of the Disciplinary Committee and to reduce the pension of the soon-to-be-ex-Board member by one-third.


IPKat Blog, "Viennese waltz may be the last dance for Board members"

IPKat reports that Mr Battistelli is close to sealing a deal between Germany and Austria which would make a move of the Boards of Appeal from Munich (DE) to Vienna (AT) possible.According to Article 53 of the EPO Service Regulations, "refusing to relocate to another country is a sackable offence".

"Headquartering the Boards in a different country opens up the enthralling possibility of firing Board members, possibly even without the distasteful necessity of referring such decisions to the Enlarged Board. As Mr Battistelli has discovered in the last year, even getting one Board member fired is not as easy as one might think. The European Patent Convention and due process keep getting in the way."

Some commentsmention that in the context of the disciplinary procedure against a member of the Board of Appeal, Mr Battistelli is said to be pressing the delegations to overule a decision by the Enlarged of Board of Appeal which he considers wrong.


Actions continue at the European Patent Office (EPO)

During the coming meeting of the Administrative Council (13/14 October) staff of the European Patent Office will demonstrate in The Netherlands and Germany.In The Netherlands EPO staff will demonstrate on Tuesday 13 October at 12.00h in front of the Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs in The Hague (Parnassusplein 5, next to the Central Station).
We request an urgent labour inspection of the EPO by the Dutch Arbeidsinpectie in conformity with the Article 20 of the Protocol on Privileges and Immunities (PPI) of the EPOrg.

In Germany EPO staff will demonstrate on Wednesday 14 October at 13.00h in front of the EPO Isar building in Munich (Bob-van-Benthem-Platz 1).
According to SUEPO, the EPO has been transformed into a totalitarian state where the rights of staff and of those who defend the rights of staff – or simply adhere to common sense – are being crushed to the benefit of a few, mainly French, who are making rocket careers.The EPO is a civil service organisation and not a self-service organisation.

We wish to remind the Council delegates and the governments of the Member States that they are responsible for the European Patent Organisation, its mission and its staff.


IPKat Blog, "EPO bids to save litigating employees from union's human rights infractions"

Mr Zeljko Topic (VP4) and Mr Raimund Lutz (VP5) issued on 2 October 2015 a Communiqué to EPO staff titled "Your rights" which was later published here by IPKat.

SUEPO was sorely tempted to rebut the slanderous allegations of VP4 and VP5, but the public ridicule to which they are subjected speaks volumes on our behalf, see for instance the comments on IPKat.

If anyone has doubts about the legality of SUEPO's actions or about the sincerity of the EPO's offer of impartial legal assistance, the SUEPO committee will be happy to answer questions. At this moment, it will suffice to say that SUEPO applauds VP4 and VP5 for finally grasping the notion of the applicability of "basic fundamental rights" and "general principles of law", and look forward to further progress reports about their seemingly ongoing study of fundamental legal doctrines.


IPKat Blog, "Eponia rumours: House Ban, Vienna and under-strength Boards"

IPKat reports on several rumours in relation to the Boards of Appeal in the context of the upcoming Administrative Council meeting of 14/15 October.

  • Among the items listed on the Agenda is the disciplinary case of a member of the Boards of Appeal who had been suspended under allegations of defamation. At the time of the suspension, Mr Battistelli had forgotten that he had no power to discipline a Board member.
  • The EPO management is still seeking to reform the Boards of Appeal, and apparently to get them out of Munich. Mr Battistelli favours sending the Boards to Berlin, but a new plan appears to be to send the Boards to Vienna.
  • The AC is still not ready to make the long-overdue appointments required to bring the Boards up to full strength. Unless the necessary appointments are made, no fewer than seven chairperson positions will be vacant at the beginning of 2016, along with seven legal positions and thirteen technical positions.

Other sources suggest that Mr Wim van der Eijk, Chairman of the Enlarged Boards of Appeal is on long term absence.