The European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU) represents more than 265 unions. This week, its General Secretary Jan Willem Goudriaan sent a letter of solidarity to SUEPO, whose members take industrial action on Tuesday 22 March.
Read the press release
EPSU Letter of Solidarity
This document provides a non-exhaustive list of some articles, blog posts or videos published in February 2022 (sorted in reverse chronological order, not necessarily by relevance). Latest additions are highlighted in yellow:
(Kluwer Patent Blog published on 23/02/2022) "Industrial action at the EPO to demand restoration of fundamental rights". *Translations are available in German and French.
(Kluwer Patent Blog published on 03/02/2022) "ILOAT: Former EPO president Battistelli violated staff’s right of free association". *Translations are available in German and French.
Other media articles that might be of interest to our readers
**Note: The translations are without guarantee, these were produced using automated translation.
In its 133rd Session, the Tribunal ruled on 51 cases among which 12 EPO cases. For the second time after the judgments on the unlawful strike regulations, the Tribunal ruled in Judgment 4482 that an EPO reform, “Social Democracy“, breached the fundamental right to freedom of association. Judgments 4488, 4489 and 4490 sanctioned the EPO’s institutional harassment of a former Principal Director and awarded above 250.000€ of damages in total. Judgment 4491 ordered the reinstatement of a single mother with babies (at the material time) unlawfully charged with fraud by the Investigative Unit which made an unfair and distorted analysis of the facts.
More details are provided in this report, read it here.
*The report is available in German and French.
SUEPO Central
**Note: The translations are without guarantee, these were produced using automated translation.
This document provides a non-exhaustive list of some articles, blog posts or videos published in January 2022 (sorted in reverse chronological order, not necessarily by relevance). Latest additions are highlighted in yellow:
(Kluwer Patent Blog posted on 27/01/2022 - Author: Thorsten Bausch) "New Melodies at the EPO as of 1.4.2022?" *Translations are available in German and French.
(ManagingIP posted on 05/01/2022). "Haar today, gone tomorrow: EPO's brief BoA move raises queries“. Article is behind a paywall - Here is the link to the .PDF which is only available on the restricted SUEPO website - password protected. *Translations are available in German and French.
Other media articles that might be of interest to our readers
(WIWO posted on 23/01/2022 - Author Dominik Reintjes) "Exklusive Daten aus Langzeitstudie: 5 Wahrheiten über das Homeoffice". *Translation is available in English.
**Note: The translations are without guarantee, these were produced using automated translation.
This document provides a non-exhaustive list of some articles, blog posts or videos published in December 2021 (sorted in reverse chronological order, not necessarily by relevance). Latest additions are highlighted in yellow:
(Süddeutsche Zeitung posted on 18/12/2021) "Europäisches Gericht verlässt Haar". Translations are available in English and French.
(Juve Patent posted on 17/12/2021) "Boards of Appeal to move back to Munich city centre".
Other media articles that might be of interest to our readers
(Rheingold Institut posted on 03/12/2021) "Von wegen Freiheit. Eine neue Studie beweist: Homeoffice gleicht eher einem Hamsterrad". Translations are available in French and English".
Note: The translations are without guarantee, these were produced by automatic translation.
Historical Judgments of the Administrative Tribunal of the International Labour Organisation (ILOAT) on the fundamental right to strike breached by the European Patent Office (EPO).
On 7 July 2021, the ILOAT ruled that the EPO strike regulations put in place since 1 July 2013 created a regime placing several limitations on the exercise of the right to strike which was unlawful because it violated the fundamental right to strike. After 8 years of breach of a fundamental right at the EPO (including 3 years under the mandate of a new President), it is now time to take the consequences and to repair the damage done to the Organization and its Staff.
Continue reading the English edition here
Follow this link to the French editorial
For our German readers: Continue reading here
This document provides a non-exhaustive list of some articles, blog posts or videos published in October 2021 (sorted in reverse chronological order, not necessarily by relevance). Latest additions are highlighted in yellow:
(Kluwer Patent Blog posted on 01/10/2021) "ILOAT cases: EPO repays excessive strike deductions, tensions remain". Translations are available in German and French.
This document provides a non-exhaustive list of some articles, blog posts or videos published in July 2021 (sorted in reverse chronological order, not necessarily by relevance). Latest additions are highlighted in yellow:
(Kluwer Patent Blog posted on 21/07/2021) "Trade union to EPO president Campinos: Quash unlawful strike restrictions".
(Managing IP posted on 15/07/2021) "Opinion: EPO complaints procedure in need of shake-up". Translations are available in German and French.
(Kluwer Patent Blog posted on 13/07/2021) "ILO: EPO president Battistelli abused his power in restraining workers’ right to strike". Translations are available in German and French.
(Kluwer Patent Blog posted on 03/07/2021) "European Patent Office publishes Annual Review 2020". We recommend reading the comments on the article as well.
Other media articles that might be of interest to our readers
(Business Insider posted on 15/07/2021) "Steve Jobs hatte eine kluge Erklärung dafür, warum gute Mitarbeiter kündigen".
In its 132nd session the Tribunal delivered a total of 43 judgments, of which 25 concern the EPO (many of which were in favor of the complainants).
The encouraging news from this session is that the following cases were ruled in favor of the complainants:
A more detailed overview of all judgments of the 132nd session can be found here.
A detailed analysis of the most significant cases involving the EPO will be published at a later date.
This document provides a non-exhaustive list of some articles, blog posts or videos published in June 2021 (sorted in reverse chronological order, not necessarily by relevance). Latest additions are highlighted in yellow:
(ZDF published on 29/06/2021) "Homeoffice-Pflicht endet - DGB fordert Regeln".
Other media articles that might be of interest to our readers