
"Battistelli accuses EPO union of defamation"

In an interview (printable version) with World Intellectual Property Review (WIPR) at the AIPPI World IP Congress 2014, Mr. Battistelli accused the trade union of a defamation campaign.In addition to that, Mr Battistelli claims that he is transparent. However, the terms of the extension of the mandate of Mr Battistelli remain unknown and the call for an investigation by Transparency International is still unanswered.


Transparency International - Calls for EPO investigation 'ignored'

Transparency International critically examines how national political systems all around the world address corruption risks and foster integrity. They publish and encourage best practice in integrity and expose the effects of conflicts of interest and lack of transparency. Recently, TI also assessed how the EU institutions deal with ethics, how they ensure transparency and accountability, and how they ultimately prevent corruption. The Central Staff Committee suggested to the EPO Administrative Council that a similar study be done for the EPO. TI has signaled its interest in the matter. But until now the Council cloaks itself in silence.

World Intellectual Property Review reported on this matter in its article of 15.09.2014 (printable version).


Questions posed by members of the Tweede Kamer of the Netherlands (Kerstens and Maij - PvDdA) with the responses of the Dutch Minister of Social Affairs and Labour

Members of the Dutch Labour Party (PvDA) posed questions to Lodewijk Asscher, Dutch Minister of Social Affairs and Labour on 1 July 2015.
The answers given on 15 August 2015 confirm the problem of the immunity of the EPO when trying to run an investigation on the working conditions and the respect of the rights of the employees.

The questions and answers are also available in this document as well as translations in English, German and French by scrolling through the document.


The controversial appointment of Mr. Zeljko Topi? as vice-president of the EPO

An article titled "Suspicion of High-Level Corruption at the European Patent Office (EPO)"describes the controversial appointment of Mr. Topi? as vice-president of the EPO. Since his appointment in March 2012, Mr. Topi? has become the subject of a number of critical news reports in the Croatian media: Mr. Topi? appears to have a background of corruption and his appointment to the EPO too is believed to be reliant on systemic corruption.


IPKat Blog, "Eponia: a State of mind?" with ""7,000 EPO employees in DE, NL, AT & BE ... plus one in FR?""

The IPKat Blog has published a post on 27.07.2014 describing in a literate and historical way the problems of governance at the EPO and the extension of the mandate of the Mr. Battistelli.In the post of 31.07.2014, it even questions the lack of transparency of the negotiation of Mr. Battistelli's original contract as well as the conclusion of the terms of the extension.


De Telegraaf, "Personeel Octrooibureau 'monddood gemaakt'"

The Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf published an article describing how the employees of the EPO are currently silenced.The text is also available in English, French and German by srcolling through the document.

The website of De Telegraaf contains the same text with a different title "Terreur op de werkvloer onder Franse despoot".


Mediapart, "Tension sociale maximale au sein de l'OEB" et "Des droits sociaux violés en toute impunité."

Mediapart is a French information website edited by former journalists of Le Monde.In its article of 24.06.2014, Mediapart describe the tensions among the employees and the request from the French Minister Arnaud de Montebourg to conduct an independent social audit.The text is also available in English, German and Dutch by scrolling through the document.

Mediapart also published a tribune written by the French deputy Philip Cordery who represents the French expatriates in the Parliament.Philip Cordery criticises the fact that employee rights are violated with complete impunity at the EPO. The text is also available in English, German and Dutch


Questions raised by a deputy in the French Parliament

The French Deputy Pierre-Yves Le Borgn' raised questions in the French Parliament on the problems of governance at the EPO and the lack of social dialogue. The text is also available in English, German and Dutch. See also his blog.


Süddeutscher Zeitung : "Machtfülle, die es in Europas Behörden sonst kaum gibt"

The Süddeutscher Zeitung published an article on the extension of the mandate of Mr Battistelli and his changes to the service regulations which increased his power over the employees.


Letter of the lawyers of SUEPO addressed to the Administrative Council

William Bourdon, Prof. Liesbeth Zegveld, Javier Ledesma and Alexander Holtz addressed a letter to the delegations of the Administrative Council of the EPO.