
New translations available

French parliamentarian Philip Cordery'sletterabout the social situation at the EPO is now available inDutch, Italian and Spanish (as well as the English, French and Germantranslations already published).

Also, Pierre-Yves Le Borgn'sblog article is now available inGerman, English & Dutch as well as the original French publication.


Question by a member of the European Parliament to the Commission about the situation in the EPO

Nikolaos Chountis, a Greek member of the European Parliament, posed thisquestion to the Commissionon the current situation at the EPO and what they can do about it.


Questions in the Italian Parliament

A group of Italian politicians filedwritten questionsto ministers on the current situation in the EPO; the reply isnot yet available.


IPKat Blog: The EPO Rules on Strikes Revealed to Merpel (Post of 24.04.2014)

The IPKat blog has publisheda post on the EPO's strike rules


Letter to the Danish Business & Growth Minister

The SUEPO chairs sent this letter to Henrik Sass Larsen, the Minister of Business and Growth in Denmark


General information upon the EPO

General information on the EPOand the present social conflict can be found in the following document:-
English original
German translation
French translation
Dutch translation


Friday miscellany

A paper just published by a Member of the French Parliament, Mr P.- Y. Le Borgn',who reports on the worrying social situation at EPO. He claims in particular theconvening of a Conference of the ministers of the EPO Contracting states (Article 4a EPC)that would task an independent authority to audit the governance of the European Patent Organisationwith a view to make concrete proposals to fix the governance crisis the EPO is going through.(only available in French for now)

International press:

Aufstand gegen den Sonnenkönig -Die Berliner Zeitung

Ambiance délétère et président contesté - RTL.be

or, if you prefer Libération... Ambiance délétère et président contesté

Der verhasste 'Sonnenkönig' - Frankfurter Rundschau


And finally, anew blog article from the Parti Socialiste Saint-Germain en Laye


The IPKat Blog : Unrest at the EPO


Blog article from Pierre-Yves Le Borgn : Governance at the EPO

Please find a post from a French Member of Parliament(printable version)on the social situation at the EPO and his actions in front of the French Ministry


Press releases on the deleterious atmosphere at the EPO

The French news agency (Agence France Presse - AFP) published an article (printable version) describing the deleterious atmosphere at the EPO during the current presidency of Benoit Battistelli.
This press release was then published byLiberationandBoursorama(printable version).

The Berliner Zeitung (printable version) gave an overview of the social unrest.