
Press releases on the deleterious atmosphere at the EPO

The French news agency (Agence France Presse - AFP) published an article (printable version) describing the deleterious atmosphere at the EPO during the current presidency of Benoit Battistelli.
This press release was then published byLiberationandBoursorama(printable version).

The Berliner Zeitung (printable version) gave an overview of the social unrest.


Battistelli: consistently inconsistent

On overview of how the President commented the reasons for the unrest in the press.


"Social Democracy" in Saint Germain en Laye (FR)

Please find here a publication about the participation of Mr Battistelli's in the town elections of 23rd and 30th of March 2014.


Open letter from USF to Administrative Council chair

The Union Syndicale Federale has sent anopen letter (in French only)to the chairman of the Administrative Council, Mr. Jesper Kongstad


Die Zeit "Was bewegt Benoit Battistelli?"

The newspaper "Die Zeit" published on the 20th of March anarticle(printable version)about Benoit Battistelli and what motivates him and his policies


The IPKat reports on the current dispute

Popular intellectual property blogIPKat reports onthe ongoing unrest at the EPO

Content reproduced under aCreative Commons Licence


Mr Battistelli's Inner Circle - EPO staff demands


Streit eskaliert - SZ Article

Streit beim Europaeischen Patentamt eskaliert -Please see the original Germanarticle from the Süddeutsche Zeitungor ourtrilingual translated version (DE/EN/NL)

©Süddeutsche Zeitung GmbH, München.Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von http://www.sz-content.de (Süddeutsche Zeitung Content).


Letter to the French Ministry from Philip Cordery

Please find a letter from a French Member of Parliament to a French Ministryon the social situation at the EPO
A French/English/German version is available here


Letter to EPO from USF

Please find a letter from USF to EPO (English version)