Earlier in February, Philip Cordery, member of the French Parliament, had published an
article (en,de) criticising the
"antisocial policy of the EPO" and sent a
letter (en,de)) to European Commisionner Elzbieta Bienkowska calling upon her to intervene.
Philip Cordery has now published the letter of reply (printable version) from Elzbieta Bienkowska. She wrote:
- "The European Patent Organization (the "Organization"), of which the EPO is the executive body, is an independent international institution, which has no organic links with the European Union. [...] The Commission has only the role of an observer within [the EPO's Administrative Council].
- "I have been informed of the social tensions which have transpired between the management of the EPO and the staff representatives, and which have been widely reported in the press."
- "The EPO will be in charge of the issue and management of the Unitary European Patent. With this in mind, I have issued instructions to my staff who represent the European Commission as observers on the Administrative Council to monitor the developments of the situation closely."
- "I have also requested the President of the EPO to make every effort to return to a constructive social dialogue."
Translations in English, German and Dutch are available by scrolling through the document.