
Letter to EU commissioner Elzbieta Bienkowska, JURI committee and the Members of the Policy Department C (Citizen's Rights and Constitutional Affairs) of the EU Parliament

The JURI committee on Legal Affairs of the European Parliament has invited BenoƮt Battistelli to a public hearing on 15 June 2015.In preparation of this hearing the Policy Department C (Citizens' Rights and Constitutional Affairs) drafted a report The European Patent Office State of Play - In-depth analysis (printable version)

Legal counsels of SUEPO sent a letter in order to complete the picture portrayed in the report. A copy of the letter can be found here:

"There are serious concerns that [the] internal structure [of the EPO] does not meet the standards of transparency and labour conditions which the EU institution expect of themselves.[The Unity Patent] project will be in jeopardy if it relies on a system in violation of fundamental human rights and on deficient labour conditions, and if staff performing quasi-judicial work does not enjoy internationally acceptable and agreed legal standards."

Translations are available in French, German and Dutch.