Please find a letter from USF to EPO (English version)
Please find a letter from USF to EPO (English version)
In a recentletter to the President, SUEPOmade a draft proposal for a "Framework Agreement"to serve as a basis for future discussions.
Six new publications related to the ongoing disputes at the EPO:-
A Dutch press report on theblocking of SUEPO mailsby the EPO
Trias Politica - beyond the problems, the way out. A "Feuille de Route" for Social Democracy by SUEPO
Report on the EPO Internal Justice System
The recent Dutch court judgement relating to EPO immunity
AGORA Magazine article about the apparent repeal of fundamental rights at the EPO
A SUEPO paper on the lack of governanceover intergovernmental organisations
The Süddeutsche Zeitung has publisheda further article by Christopher Schrader on the ongoing unrest at the EPO. (English translation here)
In the Süddeutsche Zeitung (Thursday, 17.10.2013), Christopher Schrader'sarticle "Im Niemandsland"* outlined why staff at the EPO were on strikeon the day of the official celebrations to mark the 40th anniversaryof the EPC.
Another article, Streik zum Jübiläum appearedonline on 18.10.2013.
* © Süddeutsche Zeitung GmbH, München.Mit freundliche Genehmigung von (Süddeutsche Zeitung Content).
The Central Executive Committee of SUEPO has sent a letter to the governements of the Member States on 14 June 2013 drawing the attention on the EPOrg trying to limit freedom of association.The letter can be consulted.
On 26 June 2013, staff in Munich have been demonstrating in Munich before the Administrative Council of the EPOrg for Access to Justice, Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Association.
The media coverage (in German) includes the Süddeutsche Zeitung (archive), Stern (archive),the Abendzeitung München(archive), the Berliner Kurier(archive) and many others (to be added soon).
The Central Executive Committee of SUEPO has sent a letter to the French governement on 13 June drawing the attention of the French governement of the situation in the EPO.The letter (in French) can be consulted.
Between the 17 and 24 June 2013, the local SUEPO committees in Munich, The Hague, Berlin and Vienna have organised ballots to decide on the the continuation of the industrial actions.Here is the result of these four ballots.The continuation of the industrial actions has been massively decided by SUEPO membership in all four duty stations.
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