
December 2020 press articles


This document provides a non-exhaustive list of some articles, blog posts or videos published in December 2020 (sorted in reverse chronological order, not necessarily by relevance). Latest additions are highlighted in yellow:

Other media articles that might be of interest to our readers



[USF] Union Syndicale Fédérale - EPO staff on strike

L'Union Syndicale Fédérale (USF), the largest trade union federation in the European international civil service, today published the following article on the announced strike on 15 December 2020 at the European Patent Office:


[European Parliament] Parliamentary Q&A - EPOTIF and audit/governance

We would like to inform you about the questions and answers raised in the European Parliament about the EPO.

You can find the links here:





November 2020 press articles


This document provides a non-exhaustive list of some articles, blog posts or videos published in November 2020 (sorted in reverse chronological order, not necessarily by relevance). Latest additions are highlighted in yellow:



Other media articles that might be of interest to our readers


October 2020 press articles

This document provides a non-exhaustive list of some articles, blog posts or videos published in October 2020 (sorted in reverse chronological order, not necessarily by relevance). Latest additions are highlighted in yellow:


Media articles that might be of interest to our readers



August 2020 press articles

This document provides a non-exhaustive list of some articles, blog posts or videos published in August 2020 (sorted in reverse chronological order, not necessarily by relevance). Latest additions are highlighted in yellow:


Media articles that might be of interest to our readers


Other press articles published related to Work/Labour - UPC - Unitary Patent - ILOAT etc.,



[USF] Settlement agreement reached at the EPO concerning Laurent Prunier

In recent years, social dialogue at the European Patent Office has been badly damaged. Since 2014, the EPO has been strongly criticised for its directives which go against the rights and interests of employees. Legal actions have multiplied as the suffering of staff members has increased. Today, a settlement agreement has been reached at the EPO concerning Laurent Prunier.

Laurent Prunier's letter is available in English, French and German.



May 2020 press articles

This document provides a non-exhaustive list of some articles, blog posts or videos published in May 2020 (sorted in reverse chronological order, not necessarily by relevance). Latest additions are highlighted in yellow:

Media articles that might be of interest to our readers


Other press articles published related to Work/Labour - COVID-19 - UPC - Unitary Patent - ILOAT etc.,




April 2020 press articles

This document provides a non-exhaustive list of some articles, blog posts or videos published in April 2020 (sorted in reverse chronological order, not necessarily by relevance). Latest additions are highlighted in yellow:

Media articles that might be of interest to our readers




[Deutscher Bundestag] Kleine Anfrage im Deutschen Bundestag

Kleine Anfrage

On 25 February 2020, the FDP parliamentary group submitted a “Kleine Anfrage” concerning the functioning of the EPO to the German Government. Translations are available in English and French.


Kleine Anfrage - Antwort der Deutschen Bundesregierung

The reply dated 11 March 2020 was published by the German Government yesterday, read more here. Translations are available in English and French.

DB_kleine_Anfrage (pdf) published 24/03/2020
ex20013cpe (pdf) published 27/03/2020
ex20013cpf (pdf) published 27/03/2020
ex20014cpe (pdf) published 27/03/2020
ex20014cpf (pdf) published 27/03/2020