
IPKat Blog, "Labouring the point? EPO dispute culture festers; the contagion spreads"

IPKat comments on a report published by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) on 15 October 2015 and titled"Workload and Effectiveness of the Tribunal" (with French translation):

"The International Labour Organisation (ILO) is raising serious concerns about the situation at the EPO, where labour or workers' rights are being gradually abolished and the number of complaints has gone through the roof."

and paragraph 18 explicitly states that:

"Member organizations expressed serious concern about the volume of complaints against the EPO, and most importantly about the fact that problems around the "litigation culture" and social dialogue in that organization are not conjunctural but are most likely to persist unabated for many years. The general sense is that, based on available information, the current situation is not sustainable and that measures such as the increase of the number of judges or the number of sessions will not have a lasting effect on, much less resolve, the current flow of complaints filed by EPO officials. While noting the explanations of EPO administration officials about their genuine efforts to improve the situation, member organizations agreed that this was a governance problem of broader dimensions which called for urgent action in the interest of preserving the Tribunal's operation."

SUEPO had previously submitted its views on the situation in the answer to the ILO-questionnaire.