
Administrative Council offers 'formal recognition of the trade unions within the EPO's legal framework

FOSS Patents comments on the joint statement by BenoƮt Battistelli and Jesper Kongstad calling for a social dialogue, and publishes the reaction of SUEPO Munich (also published by IPKat). Florian Mueller writes:

"So they say they're going to do something that happened in major EPOrg member states like the UK and Germany almost 150 years ago: to formally recognize trade unions.(Granted, EPO employees have always had the right to strike, so the current rules aren't medieval in all respects, but with recent changes that would require a strike to be approved by the president, the right to strike had also been effectively vitiated.)"

IPKat comments on the outcome of the meeting of the Administrative Council "which will certainly not be to everyone's liking". "Essentially, what is needed now is for the President and all the other parties involved to make sure that their first concern is the running of the Office, not the ruining of it."The reaction of SUEPO The Hague can be found in the comments.