April 2017 press articles
This document provides a non-exhaustive list of some articles, blog posts or videos published in April 2017 (sorted in reverse chronological order, not necessarily by relevance). Latest additions are highlighted in yellow:
"UK Election called: UPC timetable likely to slip" (DEHNS Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys - Dr. Alex Robinson, 18 April 2017).
"Alles neu mit Fragezeichen - Wie wird das Europäische Patentgericht arbeiten?" (FAZ, 18 April 2017).
"Euro Patent Office reforms hit another stumbling block: Reality" (The Register, 13 April 2017).
"Europäisches Patentgericht: Briten zaudern bei UPC-Ratifizierung" (Juve.de, 11 April 2017).
"FREIE WÄHLER kritisieren Grundrechtseingriffe beim Europäischen Patentamt in München / Schmidt: Staatsregierung muss endlich handeln" (Bundespresseportal.de, 07 April 2017). Translations are available in English and French.
"New IP advocacy group warns: trolls now accounting for 20% of German patent suits" (Foss Patents, 05 April 2017).
"The EPO and the Problem of the Right Speed (IV) – Appeal Proceedings" (Kluwer Patent Blog, 07 April 2017).
"The EPO and the Problem of the Right Speed (Part III) – Opposition Proceedings" (Kluwer Patent Blog, 06 April 2017).
"The EPO and the Problem of the Right Speed (Part II) – Examination Proceedings" (Kluwer Patent Blog, 05 April 2017).
"The EPO and the Problem of the Right Speed (Part I) – Introduction" (Kluwer Patent Blog, 02 April 2017).
"The UPC after Brexit - is CJEU jurisdiction a deal-breaker?" (The IPKat, 04 April 2017). Please note that the comments are also worth reading.