Our website uses cookies. These include cookies that are necessary for the operation of the website, which we use for anonymous statistics or media functions. Decide for yourself which cookies you want to allow. For more information, please see our
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Necessary cookies: without these cookies, the basic functions of our website cannot be operated. They are necessary, for example, for Tor, the notepad or the login.
Media: if you want to, for example, view posts, images, videos and audios or use content such as forms or other content and services from third parties with whom we work, cookies are required for this.
Marketing: these cookies allow us or our partners to better identify content that interests you on our website and show you appropriate product recommendations on external partner websites.
Statistics: These cookies help us to assess how attractive individual pages are for you. With this information we can make our online offer even more comfortable. We only collect anonymized data that does not allow any conclusions to be drawn about you personally.