
[Cicero Magazin] Wo kein Richter...

The attached .pdf article has appeared in the May issue of the German current affairs magazine "Cicero" (published 26 April). Cicero is a monthly German magazine focusing on politics and culture. The magazine which has a liberal-conservative political stance is based in Berlin (see wikipedia link here and a link to Cicero Magazin Online here).

A .pdf document of the article published by Cicero Magazin in paper version with the title "Wo kein Richter... Internationale Organisationen bieten oft heißbegehrte Jobs. Doch es häufen sich Fälle von Willkür und Mobbing, weil rechtliche Immunität Sanktionen verhindert" can be read here.

Translations are available in English and French.


CICERO April 2018 (pdf) published 09/05/2018
ex18037cpe (pdf) published 09/05/2018
ex18037cpf (pdf) published 09/05/2018