
CODEX on the EPO homepage - what is missing

Claiming a wish to increase transparency, the EPO has published part of its Service Regulations online.  Unfortunately, the Circulars mentioned below, as well as the Financial Regulations and the Tender Guidelines, amongst others, are missing. In the interest of potential job applicants and of the public in general, SUEPO calls upon Mr Battistelli to publish the missing parts.

  • Circular No. 347 Circular on Strikes
  • Circular No. 355 Regulations for the Staff Committee elections
  • Circular No. 356 Resources and facilities to be granted to the Staff Committee
  • Circular No. 364 Implementation of the career system. Minimum qualifications for recruitment, grading on recruitment, promotion and other rewards
  • Circular No. 365 General Guidelines on the EPO Competency Framework
  • Circular No. 366 General Guidelines on Performance Management
  • Circular No. 367 Absences for Health Reasons