December 2017 press articles
This document provides a non-exhaustive list of some articles, blog posts or videos published in December 2017 (sorted in reverse chronological order, not necessarily by relevance). Latest additions are highlighted in yellow:
"My New Year’s Wishes for the EPO (in Russian)" (Kluwer Patent Blog, 31-12-2017). We also suggest reading the comments.Translations are available in German and French.
"Euro Patent Office fails miserably in key accountability case" (The Register, 21-12-2017). 2 Pages!!! Please see here for PAGE 1 and here for PAGE 2.
Translations are available in German and French. -
"Disziplinarfall am Europäischen Patentamt: Pyrrhussieg für suspendierten Richter" (, 19-12-2017). Translations are available in English and French.
"So what happened with the patent judge and the Euro Patent Office?" (The Register, 14-12-2017). Translations are available in German and French.
"The ILO rules reinstatement of Board of Appeal member, but EPO resists" (The IPKat, 13-12-2017).
"EPO staff demonstrate in Munich following UN agency decisions" (WIPR, 13-12-2017).
"UN agency reinstates suspended EPO judge" (WIPR, 11-12-2017).
"Quo usque tandem, Battistelle" (Kluwer Patent Blog, 11-12-2017).
Translations are available in German and French. -
"Suspended Irish patent judge appeals to Government for help" (The Irish Times, 10-12-2017).
"Schlappe für Battistelli: Suspendierter EPA-Richter siegt vor Gericht auf ganzer Linie" (, 08-12-2017).
Translations are available in English and French. -
"ILO ruling “vote of no confidence” for Battistelli, says CSC" (IPPro Patents, 07-12-2017).
"Euro Patent Office ignores ruling and refuses entry to vindicated judge" (The Register, 07-12-2017).
"Irish patent judge must be reinstated in Munich job" (The Irish Times, 07-12-2017).
"The ILO is alive" (Kluwer Patent Blog, 07-12-2017).
Translations are available in German and French. -
"International Labour Organisation Orders Reinstatement Of EPO Appeals Judge" (IP-watch, 06-12-2017).
"Euro Patent Office commanded to reinstate 'Nazi judge' it attacked" (The Register, 06-12-2017).
Translations are available in German and French. -
"EPO president’s impartiality questioned at ILO" (IPPro Patents, 06-12-2017).
"Battistelli to succeed Campinos as training centre board chair" [WIPR, 05-12-2017).
"Battistelli elected president of CEIPI Administrative Board" (IPPro Patents, 04-12-2017).
Translations are available in German and French.