EPO press coverage
The european press continues its covering of the appaling social situation at EPO :
- in Danemark : EPO på vildspor -- en status (24/11/2015 - translated title: EPO up the creek – an update). Translations available in English, French, German and Dutch.
- in Portugal : O mundo obscuro da Organização Europeia de Patentes (27/11/2015 - tranlated title: The shadowy world of the European Patent Organization). Translations available in English, French and Dutch.
- in United Kingdom : European Patent Office fires up lawyers over claims of cosy love-in with Microsoft (30/11/2015)
- in Germany : Europäisches Patentamt: Belegschaft gegen Sonnenkönig (23/11/2015 - translated title: EPO: staff against the Sun King)
- WIPR: EPO threatens ‘defamatory’ blogger with legal action (24/11/2015)
- Techdirt: European Patent Office Threatens Blogger With Defamation Lawsuit For Criticism (25/11/2015)