February 2016 press articles
- “Verwaltungsrat gegen Amtspräsident” (ovb-online.de, 29 February 2016). Translations are available in English, French and Dutch.
- “Interview With EPO President Battistelli: Investigations, Unitary Patent And Global Change” (IP-Watch, 29 February 2016)
- “European Patent Office still in nosedive as union denies reaching deal” (The Register, 27 February 2016).
- “Growing pressure on EPO president Benoît Battistelli ahead of AC meeting” (Kluwer Patent Blog, 27 February 2016). Translations are available in French and German.
- “Franse despoot wil 18 miljoen bij vertrek” (De Telegraaf, 26 February 2016).
- “Lidstaten keren zich tegen 'tirannieke' topman Europees octrooibureau” (de Volkskrant, 25 February 2016). Translations are available in English, French and German.
- “Octrooibureau wil onderzoek naar bestuursstijl president” (NRC, 25 February 2016). Translations are available in English, French and German.
- “European Patent Office extends olive branch to furious trade unions” (The Register, 25 February 2016). Regarding the matter of this article, this was corrected with the article dated 27 February 2016 of the Register.
- “Europäisches Patentamt: Blauer Brief für Battistelli” (JUVE, 24 February 2016). A first translation in English is available on techrights.org (i.e. not accessible within the EPO).
- “European Patent Office heads rapidly toward full meltdown” (The register, 24 February 2016).
- “Battistelli falls out with Board 28” (IPKAT, 23 February 2016).
- “Mal-être des salariés dans les institutions européennes” (novethic.fr, 22 February 2016). Translations are available in English, German and Dutch.