
Interview with Prof. Peter Drahos

In the series of SUEPO interviewsPeter Drahos takes a critical view atthe functioning of the global patent system.Peter Drahos is Professor in Law and Director of the Centre for the Governanceof Knowledge and Development at the Australian National University Chair inIntellectual Property at Queen Mary, University of London. His latest book entitled"The Global Governance of Knowledge" is based on a detailed study of the patentsystems of forty-five rich and poor countries.

A citation from the interview:"The challenge for patent offices in the 21st century is whether they willtake on more of a leadership role in networks made up of civil society,health departments, competition authorities and patent offices becomingchampions of a people's social contract or whether they will spend theirtime handing out customer satisfaction surveys to their multinationalclients and hoping for lots of ticks of approval.The latter, I predict, will do little for the morale of their examiners."