
Philip Cordery, "La Commissaire européenne, Elzbieta Bienkowska, répond à mon courrier concernant la situation de l'OEB"

Earlier in February, Philip Cordery, member of the French Parliament, had published an article (en,de) criticising the "antisocial policy of the EPO" and sent aletter (en,de)) to European Commisionner Elzbieta Bienkowska calling upon her to intervene.

Philip Cordery has now published the letter of reply (printable version) from Elzbieta Bienkowska. She wrote:

  • "The European Patent Organization (the "Organization"), of which the EPO is the executive body, is an independent international institution, which has no organic links with the European Union. [...] The Commission has only the role of an observer within [the EPO's Administrative Council].
  • "I have been informed of the social tensions which have transpired between the management of the EPO and the staff representatives, and which have been widely reported in the press."
  • "The EPO will be in charge of the issue and management of the Unitary European Patent. With this in mind, I have issued instructions to my staff who represent the European Commission as observers on the Administrative Council to monitor the developments of the situation closely."
  • "I have also requested the President of the EPO to make every effort to return to a constructive social dialogue."

Translations in English, German and Dutch are available by scrolling through the document.