
[Philip Cordery] OEB : maintenir la pression pour une réforme de la gouvernance

The French MP Philip Cordery, reported in a blog post dated 25 April 2016 about a joint letter (written with other French MPs: Pierre-Yves Le Borgn', Richard Yung, Claudine Lepage, Jean-Yves Leconte and Hélène Conway-Mouret; link to an archived version), dated 21 April 2016, to the French Minister of Economic Affairs Emmanuel Macron. The letter was sent "in order to demand once again that France take action towards a reform of the management of this international organization".

Translations of the blog post are available in English, German and Dutch (by scrolling through the document).

Translations of the letter are also available in English, German and Dutch.

ex16078cp (pdf) published 25/04/2016
ex16078cp (pdf) published 25/04/2016
ex16078cp (pdf) published 25/04/2016
ex16079cp (pdf) published 21/05/2016
ex16079cpe (pdf) published 21/04/2016
ex16079cpd (pdf) published 21/04/2016
ex16079cpnl (pdf) published 21/04/2016