
Supervision of Data Protection at the EPO

Recently a letter from Ms Andrea Vosshoff (Bundesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz und die Informationsrecht) to Ms Renate Kunast (Vorsitzende des Ausschusses für Recht und Verbraucherschutz) came to our attention.In this letter Ms Vosshoff asks for attention to certain weaknesses in the data protection set-up in the EPO. She asks the above mentioned committee for support in addressing the issues.

SUEPO intends to write a letter in support of this initiative, requesting to be heard in the matter.An aspect that seems thus far to have been overlooked is that Art. 20(1) EPO PPI seems to provide for a cooperation with the "competent authorities" in health and safety regulations and "similar regulations".The latter would seem to cover data protection regulations.