
The 124th meeting of the AC, part 2.

The most important point of the second day of the 124th Council meeting wasthe election of the new Chairman of the Administrative Council. Mr.Kongstad (DK) was the only candidate. Mr. Kongstad has in the pastexpressed himself strongly in favour of decentralisation. His view ofthe European Patent Network was one wherein the EPO would serve as a"back-office" to the national patent offices.

Otherwise the meeting was largely uneventful. Amongst the documents on theagenda were CA/84/10 ("Progress report on the trilateral and IP5")submitted by the President and CA/93/10 ("Work-sharing from anexaminer's perspective") submitted by the Central Staff Committee. Bothwere passed without a comment.

The day ended with the selection of a new VP1 and VP5 in closed session,i.e. without the usual observers from industry (BusinessEurope) and thepatent profession (epi), and without the Staff Committee or other Officestaff. At the time of writing the outcome was not yet known.