The 124th meeting of the AC, part 3.
The 3rd day continued with topics to be discussed in closed session,amongst which further nominations and the level of compensation awardedto delegates. A decision on the Vice-President posts is only expected in October.The open part of the session resumed with a discussion on "Fee reform and sustainablefinancing of the European patent system" as outlined in CA/91/10,CA/82/10,CA/39/10, CA/38/10,CA/36/10,CA/34/10 and CA/33/10.Interestingly, only the representative of epiwas critical of the Office's implicit position that major problems are caused by alarge proportion of applicants "gaming" the system.
The last day of the Council is traditionally the day on which staff matters are dealt with.True to form the proposal on reform of the financing of the sickness insurance,CA/66/10 Rev. 1 and Corr. 1,was the last item on the Council's 3-day agenda.The document was dealt with together with the Central Staff Committee's documentCA/94/10 on the same topic. In a series of questions the Chairman of the Central Staff Committeehighlighted the deficiencies of the proposal and the administration's failure to demonstrate clearlythe need for such fundamental reform. Despite these interventions, 26 of the delegations, includingFrance and Denmark, voted in favour, with 10 delegations abstaining and 1 voting against.With that the decision was passed.
The last day of the Council is traditionally the day on which staff matters are dealt with.True to form the proposal on reform of the financing of the sickness insurance,CA/66/10 Rev. 1 and Corr. 1,was the last item on the Council's 3-day agenda.The document was dealt with together with the Central Staff Committee's documentCA/94/10 on the same topic. In a series of questions the Chairman of the Central Staff Committeehighlighted the deficiencies of the proposal and the administration's failure to demonstrate clearlythe need for such fundamental reform. Despite these interventions, 26 of the delegations, includingFrance and Denmark, voted in favour, with 10 delegations abstaining and 1 voting against.With that the decision was passed.