
Actions continue at the European Patent Office: next demonstration on 11 May 2016

On Wednesday 11 May 2016, a demonstration will take place in Munich (Germany) starting from the Kurt Haertel passage at 12.15h and ending at the French consulate.


[Philip Cordery] OEB : maintenir la pression pour une réforme de la gouvernance

The French MP Philip Cordery, reported in a blog post dated 25 April 2016 about a joint letter (written with other French MPs: Pierre-Yves Le Borgn', Richard Yung, Claudine Lepage, Jean-Yves Leconte and Hélène Conway-Mouret; link to an archived version), dated 21 April 2016, to the French Minister of Economic Affairs Emmanuel Macron. The letter was sent "in order to demand once again that France take action towards a reform of the management of this international organization".

Translations of the blog post are available in English, German and Dutch (by scrolling through the document).

Translations of the letter are also available in English, German and Dutch.

ex16078cp (pdf) published 25/04/2016
ex16078cp (pdf) published 25/04/2016
ex16078cp (pdf) published 25/04/2016
ex16079cp (pdf) published 21/05/2016
ex16079cpe (pdf) published 21/04/2016
ex16079cpd (pdf) published 21/04/2016
ex16079cpnl (pdf) published 21/04/2016

April 2016 press articles (last update on 27 April)


Les décisions Perez et Klausecker rendues par la CEDH

L’érosion de l’obligation, pour les Etats membres, de garantir le droit d’accès au juge au sein des organisations internationales ?

See here for a critical commentary Ms. Anne-Marie THEVENOT-WERNER on two recent ECHR judgments that concern violations of human rights in international government organisations. The article is in French.


In its decisions Perez and Klausecker rendered on 6 January 2015, the European Court of Human Rights reaffirms its case law derived from the decisions Waite and Kennedy and Bosphorus. However, the way it applies the principles allowing the Court to engage a State’s responsibility for violations of the human rights protected by the European Convention on Human Rights may lead to an erosion of the obligation of a State to protect these rights, as the Court seems to require implicitly their protection to be “manifestly deficient”, including in the framework of the proportionality test developed in the decision Waite and Kennedy. In the end, the Court protects in any way possible the autonomy of International Organisations. This might lead however to the hardly desirable consequence that International Organisations and their Member States are free not to apply the same standard of human rights protection as the Convention offers to acts and omissions of the Organisation – even to Organisations where all Member States are a Party to the Convention.

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[EPSU] letter of support from EPSU to the Staff Union of the European Patent Office

The European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU) represents more than 265 unions. This week, its General Secretary Jan Willem Goudriaan sent a letter of solidarity to SUEPO, whose members take industrial action on Thursday 7 April.

The letter reads:

Dear Colleagues,

I am writing to send you solidarity greetings from EPSU for your action on 7 April. We hope that the strike is solidly supported across all the European Patent Office sites. We have been following the dispute and keeping our affiliates informed (www.epsu.org/a/11984).

A victory in this dispute will be important not just for EPO employees and the two trade union representatives who were dismissed in January but will have broader implications in terms of social dialogue and collective bargaining rights in international institutions. It is a matter of major concern that the EPO management has been arguing that European and international rights do not apply to bodies like the EPO. A successful outcome for SUEPO will send a clear message that employees in international institutions will not be denied these rights.


Jan Willem Goudriaan, EPSU General Secretary

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March 2016 press articles and videos (last updated on 5 April)

This article gives a list of press articles, blog posts and videos which were made available to the public in March 2016.

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One-day Office-wide strike on 7 April 2016

No essential progress has been made on staff’s claims as expressed in the call for strike entitled “Lawfulness at the EPO” that was sent to the President on 10 February 2016. The initiators of the call for strike have informed the CSC that they would like the strike to happen at the earliest opportunity. Accordingly, the strike shall take place on 7 April 2016 at all sites of employment: Munich, The Hague, Berlin and Vienna.

ex16064cp (pdf) published 01/02/2016
ex16055cl (pdf) published 23/03/2016

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[USF] Position of the USF on the Memorandum of Understanding signed on 2 March 2016 EPO/FFPE

The Union Syndicale Federale (USF) took position in a paper on the Memorandum of Understanding signed on 2 March 2016 between the EPO and the FFPE.

ex16049cp (pdf) published 18/03/2016

Backlogs at the ILOAT

Art. 13 of the European Patent Convention stipulates that employees of the EPO may apply to the Administrative Tribunal of the International Labour Organisation (ILOAT) in case of disputes with their employer. ILOAT is suffering from increasing backlogs. The staff representation of the EPO addressed the matter in a document submitted to the EPO's Administrative Council and in a letter addressed to the Director-General of ILO. The reply of the Director-General of ILO is available here.

sc16032cl_extract (pdf) published 25/02/2016
su16042cl (pdf) published 23/02/2016
re16043cl (pdf) published 14/03/2016