
EPO press coverage

The european press continues its covering of the appaling social situation at EPO :


[Pierre-Yves Le Borgn'] Follow-up on Mr le Borgn's initiatives

French MP Pierre-Yves le Borgn' represents French nationals living in Germany and Austria (among other countries). Here is an up-to-date course of events regarding his intiatives:

  • In a previous blog post (18 November 2015, translations available in English, German and Dutch), Mr Le Borgn' indicated that he sent a letter (translations in English, German and Dutch) to Mr Macron.
  • In another previous blog post (20 November 2015), Mr Le Borgn' indicated that he received a reply from Mr Battistelli (translations in English, German and Dutch).
  • In a recent blog post (30 November 2015), Mr Le Borgn' reproduced the position (translations in English, German and Dutch)of SUEPO on the reply from Mr Battistelli in a letter dated 30 November 2015.
  • On 2 December, Mr Le Borgn published in his latest EPO-related blog post a letter (tranlations in English and German) dated 30 November 2015 received from a group of "examinateurs exaspérés".

ex15441cp (pdf) published 30/11/2015
ex15441cpe (pdf) published 30/11/2015
ex15441cpg (pdf) published 30/10/2015
ex15441cpnl (pdf) published 30/11/2015

[USB] Labour dispute at European Patent Office

The Union Syndicale Brussels (USB) is the biggest trade union in the European Public Service. Its members are drawn from all the European institutions and organisations. It has sections for the European Commission, the EU Council, the European Parliament, Eurocontrol etc. Founded in 1973, it was set up to defend the unique status of officials of the European Communities.

Union Syndicale Brussels has published a message of solidarity for our three suspended colleagues and initiated the distribution of this message to the entire staff of the above European institutions and organisations - more than 50,000 employees.


[El Confidencial] Suicidios, espionaje, nepotismo. La Oficina Europea de Patentes es un polvorín

Translated title: Suicides, espionage, nepotism... The European Patent Office is a powder keg

El Confidencial, a highly praised spanish media reports on the deteriorated social situation at European Patent Office and in particular about its authoritarian drift:

Florian Mueller, a world authority on the granting of patents, says: “The most recent information we’re getting describes a situation that would be inconceivable anywhere in the civilized world, but then the European Patent Organization, quite simply, is not a part of the civilized world”. It has even been said that the Office today is the last dictatorship on European soil.

So what is Mueller, a German, talking about? Nothing more and nothing less than the fact that an atmosphere of panic at work and psychological terror has been created among many of the 7,000 or so employees of the European Patent Office (EPO).

ex15436cpe (pdf) published 26/11/2015
ex15436cpf (pdf) published 26/11/2015
ex15436cpg (pdf) published 26/11/2015
ex15436cpnl (pdf) published 26/11/2015

Actions continue at the European Patent Office

The next demonstrations will take place on:

  • Tuesday 01 December, starting at 12:00,  In front of the Dutch Ministry of Economy in The Hague.
  • Friday 04 December, starting at 12.30h in front of the Isar building in Munich.

With these demonstrations staff protests against the persistent attacks on its staff representatives, culminating in the suspension of and disciplinary procedures against 3 Union officials in Munich.


Comments on letter of President Battistelli to Pierre-Yves Le Borgn' dated 20.11.2015

In an apparent effort to put a positive “spin” on his position, Mr Battistelli’s letter (translation in English) can at best be described as being economical with the truth. In an effort to put the record straight, we establish the facts that will clearly refute a mere selection of his more amazing statements.

Part 1: Allegations of harassment amongst staff representatives

The second paragraph is a key part of the letter, wherein it mentions six resignations from the staff representation. One particular case in The Hague is attributed to a “campaign of harassment”. It is later implied that all elected staff representatives who either were not SUEPO members or who express opinions contrary to the union have left the staff representation. In the context of a response to Mr Le Borgn’s reaction to the news of the suspension of three staff representatives in Munich, the President seems to suggest that these “facts” alone justify all the suspensions.

The truth is:

  1. Of the three suspended staff representatives, two are accused of an alleged misconduct that is totally unrelated either to resignations in the staff representation, or to harassment of staff representatives.
    Evidence: first pages of the reports setting out the reasons for the disciplinary procedures against two of the three suspended colleagues.
  2. The initial accusation of harassment raised against the third staff representative who has been suspended has not been maintained in the disciplinary procedure. The same elected official is now accused of allegedly harassing other colleagues, this time in Munich. Yet none of these purportedly “harassed” colleagues has actually filed an individual complaint.
    Evidence: first page of the report setting out the reasons for the disciplinary procedures against the third suspended colleague
  3. Two colleagues elected since the introduction of Social Democracy to the local staff committee in Munich have resigned. These colleagues were both “SUEPO candidates” who resigned primarily or exclusively because they received threatening letters sent by the President and/or Ms Bergot. Moreover, two other colleagues in Munich who were not “SUEPO candidates” are still active, i.e. they have not resigned. There is a similar situation in The Hague. In other words, there is no simple one-to-one correlation between being “SUEPO candidates” or not and these resignations, as is suggested by Mr Battistelli.
    Evidence:  The colleagues who resigned from the Staff Representation are all in a position to confirm this. 
  4. It is important to note that apparently none of the alleged victims has filed an individual complaint. The investigation into the alleged harassment by one colleague which was later expanded to embrace other staff representatives seems to be solely based upon a complaint filed by Ms Bergot, Principal Director HR. Even if acting on the harassed party’s behalf, Ms Bergot has a rather blatant conflict of interest.
    Evidence: first page of the report of Control Risks on the third colleague.


  1. The second paragraph of Mr Battistelli’s letter grossly misrepresents the basic facts and may lead the reader to draw the wrong conclusions.
  2. The accusations against all three suspended staff representatives are both vexatious and absurd:
Note that IPKat blog, although often humorous, is a highly respected and influential, independent IP blog, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPKat

Part 2: Allegations against the suspended member of the Boards of Appeal

Paragraph 3 on the second page simply repeats allegations against the suspended Boards of Appeal member that were apparently raised by the Investigative Unit. Amongst these are “storing weapons and Nazi propaganda”.

Even should such allegations eventually be found to be true, then the President of the EPO’s action publicly commenting on a pending procedure would represent:
(a) a serious breach of confidentiality,
(b) an offense against the presumption of innocence, 
(c) an unacceptable interference with an on-going procedure,
(d) and a potential case of him defaming our suspended colleague

The President should, however, have known that the Enlarged Board of Appeal had already dismissed the case because the accusations were too generic and unsupported by a detailed correlation to any evidence available that would allow the accused to defend himself adequately and have allowed the EBoA to assess the case in accordance with proper judicial standards.
Evidence: Decision of the Enlarged Board of Appeal of 17 Sept. 2015 (the reasoning of which was only published recently), pages 24, 25 and 33.


  1. Under such circumstances, it is incomprehensible that the President of the EPO continues to publicly accuse the suspended Board member in such an outrageous and misleading manner.
  2. As always, the comments of IPKat on this topic are worth reading:

Part 3:  Remaining parts of the letter

The remaining parts of the letter are of a comparable level. What is particularly striking is the contrast between the noble principles and intentions expressed by Mr Battistelli and the reality.

The question arises as to why Mr Battistelli insists on making statements that are so readily refuted: whether it proves to be deliberate or just defiant, only time will tell.
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CODEX on the EPO homepage - what is missing

Claiming a wish to increase transparency, the EPO has published part of its Service Regulations online.  Unfortunately, the Circulars mentioned below, as well as the Financial Regulations and the Tender Guidelines, amongst others, are missing. In the interest of potential job applicants and of the public in general, SUEPO calls upon Mr Battistelli to publish the missing parts.

  • Circular No. 347 Circular on Strikes
  • Circular No. 355 Regulations for the Staff Committee elections
  • Circular No. 356 Resources and facilities to be granted to the Staff Committee
  • Circular No. 364 Implementation of the career system. Minimum qualifications for recruitment, grading on recruitment, promotion and other rewards
  • Circular No. 365 General Guidelines on the EPO Competency Framework
  • Circular No. 366 General Guidelines on Performance Management
  • Circular No. 367 Absences for Health Reasons


[Pierre-Yves Le Borgn'] Publication of Mr Battistelli's reply to Mr le Borgn'

French MP Pierre-Yves le Borgn', who also represents French nationals living in Germany and Austria ( among other countries), wrote to the Minister of Economy M. Macron to report on the deteriorating situation at EPO following the suspension of 3 union officials in Munich and attacks on a further two representatives in The Hague.

Read here the exchange of letters which followed publication of this alert: they seem to show Mr Battistelli has lost both his control and his capacity for discernment, all the while accusing SUEPO officials of any number of extravagant and extraordinary crimes:

  • Blog post of MP Pierre-Yves le Borgn' (translations available in English, German and Dutch)
  • Letter to Minister Macron (translations in English, German and Dutch)
  • New post of MP PierreYves le Borgn' following Mr Battistelli's answer to him and Minister Macron
  • Answer of Mr Battistelli to MP le Borgn' and Minister Macron (translation in English)

ex15424cp (pdf) published 18/11/2015
ex15424cpe (pdf) published 18/11/2015
ex15424cpg (pdf) published 18/11/2015
ex15424cpd (pdf) published 18/11/2015
ex15424cp_letter (pdf) published 18/11/2015
ex15424cpe_letter (pdf) published 18/11/2015
ex15424cpg_letter (pdf) published 18/11/2015
ex15424cpd_letter (pdf) published 18/11/2015
ex15430cp (pdf) published 20/11/2015
ex15430cp_letter (pdf) published 20/11/2015
ex15430cpe_letter (pdf) published 20/11/2015

Email sent by the staff representatives of the ECB to their colleagues

The following email has been distributed to all staff of the European Central Bank by its staff representatives, with ECB management approval:

From: Staff Committee
Sent: 23 November 2015 15:36
To: **All ECB Staff (with management approval)
Subject: 3 Staff Representatives suspended at European Patent Office!


Dear Colleagues,

We regret to inform you that three Staff Representatives have been suspended at the European Patent Office last Friday, 13 November 2015 (note from SUEPO: three staff representatives were suspended on Tuesday, 24 November, not Friday, 13 November 2015). The (EPO) has the privilege of setting their own rules independent of national framework, which in the absence of adequate checks and balances leads to many abuses. The (EPO) has been suffering from a wave of suicides in recent years and the social tensions are very high (see reports of the French newspaper Le Monde, attached).

Staff Representatives have to be protected from retaliating actions so that they can accomplish their function, which is to bring more balance to power.

In an e-mail last year, we already informed you about the shocking dismissal of the President of the Staff Association of the World Intellectual Property Organisation.

With this e-mail to all ECB staff, we aim to foster awareness of these events and contribute to have them satisfactorily addressed.

With kind regards,

Your Staff Committee.

“Additional information can be found here:”



http://www.pyleborgn.eu/2015/11/courrier-a-emmanuel-macron-sur-la-crise-a-loffice-europeen-des-brevets/ (French MP's letter to the French Minister of Economy and Finance) 


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[JUVE] Europäisches Patentamt: Drei Mitglieder der Mitarbeitervertretung suspendiert

JUVE comments on the suspension of three union executives.

ex15429cp (pdf) published 20/11/2015