March 2017 press articles
This document provides a non-exhaustive list of some articles, blog posts or videos published in March 2017 (sorted in reverse chronological order, not necessarily by relevance). Latest additions are highlighted in yellow:
King Battistelli's swish penthouse office the Euro Patent Office doesn't want you to see (The Register, 22 March 2017).
Translations are available in German and French. -
President Battistelli under pressure to improve ‘unacceptable’ social situation at EPO (Kluwer Patent Blog, 21 March 2017).
Effort to fire EPO president beaten back – again (The Register, 20 March 2017).
"Euro Patent Office hit with wave of anti-Battistelli letters" (The Register, 16 March 2017).
Translations are available in German and French. -
"Are The EPO President’s Days Numbered?" (IP-Watch, 15 March 2017).
"Curtain - Merpel's final EPO post" (The IPKat, 10 March 2017).
"Euro nations push for vote to axe Europe's patent office president" (The Register, 08 March 2017).
"Minister Koenders: snel verbeteringen bij Octrooibureau of anders actie ‘op hoog niveau’" (, 07 March 2017).
Translations are available in English, German and French. -
"Come in King Battistelli, your time at the Euro Patent Office is up" (The Register, 07 March 2017).
"Euro Patent Office puts itself on Interpol's level, demands access to staff phones and laptops" (The Register, 03 March 2017).