
[Freie Wähler Landtagsfraktion] FREIE WÄHLER fordern sofortige Wiedereinsetzung von suspendiertem Richter im Europäischen Patentamt

FREIE WÄHLER fordern sofortige Wiedereinsetzung von suspendiertem Richter im Europäischen Patentamt

Im Namen der Rechtsstaatlichkeit: Genfer Urteil muss sofort umgesetzt werden.

For more information, read here.

Translations are available in English and French.

ex17088cpe (pdf) published 19/12/2017
ex17088cpf (pdf) published 19/12/2017

[SUEPO] Analysis of the EPO cases issued during ILO-AT extraordinary session of December 6th 2017

For more information, read here.
More information for public readers, click here.

su17024hp (pdf) published 11/12/2017

SUEPO Central on the Extraordinary Session of the ILO Today - 125th Session of the ILOAT

Dear colleagues,
In an exceptional session today the Tribunal delivered Judgments 3958 and 3960 in which it ordered the immediate reinstatement of the suspended Board of Appeal member to his former post.
It further ordered the EPO to allow him access to the premises, return any EPO property it had requested him to hand over and immediately unblock his EPO User ID. 
The Tribunal further ordered the EPO to pay a sum in costs as well as compensation for moral injury.
SUEPO central


November 2017 press articles

This document provides a non-exhaustive list of some articles, blog posts or videos published in November 2017 (sorted in reverse chronological order, not necessarily by relevance). Latest additions are highlighted in yellow:

Other press articles published related to UPC - Unitary Patent - ILOAT etc.,


[EPSU] Letter to Mr. Christoph Ernst, Chair of the Administrative Council

Letter from the European Public Service Union to Mr. Christoph Ernst, Chair of the Administrative Council of the European Patent Office. Read more, here. (.pdf version)

Translations are available in German and French.

ex17080cpd (pdf) published 28/11/2017
ex17080cpf (pdf) published 28/11/2017

[USF] Letter of Union Syndicale Fédérale to EPO Administrative Council on time-limited contracts


[USF and EPSU] Union Syndicale Fédérale writes to Mr Campinos and follow-up correspondence

The corresponding letter is accessible here.

  • The official answer of EPO President-elec Mr Campinos to Union Syndicale Fédérale (USF) is available here.

  • Reply from European Public Service Union (EPSU) on answer of President-elec Mr Campinos can be read here.


[Claudine Lepage] Question écrite sur la politique sociale à l'office européen des brevets

On 27 October 2017, Claudine Lepage, French Senator, reported again on the social situation in the European Patent Office (in French).

The original Q & A, published by the French Senate can be read here.

The original paper version in .pdf format is accessible here.

Translations are available in English and German.

ex17071cp (pdf) published 30/10/2017
ex17071cpe (pdf) published 30/10/2017
ex17071cpd (pdf) published 30/10/2017

October 2017 press articles

This document provides a non-exhaustive list of some articles, blog posts or videos published in October 2017 (sorted in reverse chronological order, not necessarily by relevance). Latest additions are highlighted in yellow:

Other press articles published related to UPC - Unitary Patent - ILOAT etc.,


Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) : Call for stronger protection for rights of staff in international organisations

See below the provisional version of report of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights (Title: Jurisdictional immunity of international organisations and rights of their staff)

PACE's call for stronger protection for rights of staff in international organisations, read here.

Many mentions of the European Patent Office in the adopted report which can be accessed here: